Purchase a Hut Manual

Build your own Conestoga Hut

Access to shelter has become a worldwide issue for many reasons. We have created a Hut Manual so anyone, with or without construction experience, can build a Conestoga Hut—a simple, inexpensive structure for temporary shelter.

Purchase a Hut Manual

Hut Manual


(plus $9 shipping & handling in the U.S.)


This manual presents step-by-step instructions on how to build a Conestoga Hut. With photos and illustrations, it guides you through the tools and materials you’ll need, how to build the five components of a Hut in a shop ahead of time, and how to assemble the components at the build site. The manual also explains how community volunteers can be engaged in the building process, one of the most rewarding aspects of the Conestoga Hut experience.

Cardboard Templates


(plus $35 shipping & handling in the U.S.)


These cardboard templates for Hut walls are made with extreme accuracy, cut by laser from a CAD file, and make constructing the arched walls much, much easier. Measurements are in the manual for making your own patterns if you choose.

Manual + Templates


(plus $40 shipping & handling in the U.S.)


Get both the Hut Manual and the Cardboard Templates as a bundle, and save $10.

12 of our experienced Hut Crew volunteers are able to construct

 and build 2 huts with the modular pieces in about 2 hours on-site.

Hut Manual

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Title: How to Build a Conestoga Hut: An Inexpensive and Durable Micro-Shelter

Author: Erik de Buhr

Edited by: Guy Maynard

Cover and Interior Design: Kristen Brack, kristenbrackart.com

Length: 81 pages

Language: English

Publication Date: January 1, 2017

Edition: Second Edition

ISBN-10: 0998801801

ISBN-13: 978-0998801803

We Do Consulting

You: a municipal or state government, nonprofit, or faith group that wants to solve homelessness in your community.

Us: an innovative nonprofit that, for ten years, has been helping people get off the streets and transition to a better life. We'll help you develop an affordable, pragmatic, and successful approach to sheltering your unhoused neighbors.

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"It’s just a wonderful structure, you could almost kiss it. It’s so well thought out. It's a wonderful stopping-off point to go from one direction to another. It’s an interim thing, to give people that step up they need."

— John Porter, former Planning Director for the City of Eugene

"My Conestoga Hut makes it so much easier. And it's totally waterproof. It's very comfortable. You can fix them up the way you want to."

— Sherri, community member

"Well-written manual for building a small, livable, durable shelter. Would be great for backyard mini sleeping space, or as a church or community effort to provide shelter for those without. Very detailed plans and layout with specs, drawings and photos."

— Amazon review by jkline

"They look nice, and they look orderly. And so I think people in the community appreciate the look of Conestoga Huts as well."

— Regan, Eugene City Manager's Office

"They're weather-proof. They're insulated. They're lockable, which is really important because a lot of people on the streets lose their stuff."

— David, volunteer Hut builder

"It’s just a wonderful structure, you could almost kiss it. It’s so well thought out. It's a wonderful stopping-off point to go from one direction to another. It’s an interim thing, to give people that step up they need."

— John Porter, former Planning Director for the City of Eugene

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Your support provides shelter and hope for a better tomorrow. No amount is too small to give. $20 can make a real difference in the lives of unhoused individuals—it can fund an Outreach Kit, which provides someone in need with water, snacks, and hygiene supplies.

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