May 18, 2021
Jim Schmidt is the long-time coordinator of the volunteer crew that assembles Conestoga Huts and led the Tuesday crew, one of three crews, through CSS’s recent expansion. He wrote this letter to that crew after the Hut portion of the expansion was completed.
The adventure started last fall, October 9, 2020, to be exact. I had been building Conestoga Huts for Community Supported Shelters since 2013 at a slow, steady pace. Working from the shop, we could complete two or possibly three Huts a month. Those first Huts were primitive affairs at best. You would see the family resemblance, but what we have now is the end result of refinement, change, and evolution. We had placed Hut #100 about six years after Hut #1. We had a small crew of dedicated people and we usually worked on Tuesdays. It was a great way to fill a void left by retirement.
The ominous meeting on that October day was called by Erik de Buhr. Erik is the Imagineer who designed the Huts and the Energy Source that got them built and placed. Erik had some interesting news for us. With the pandemic gaining strength, the City of Eugene was worried that the Egan Warming Centers would not be operational in the winter. If they were to open, the Warming Centers could have become super spreaders for the virus. It would be nearly impossible to find volunteers to staff them. Unhoused people would be at extreme risk out on the cold streets. Major Tom Egan had frozen to death on a street in Eugene. No one wanted that to happen to anyone else.