In mid-February, Herman moved into the brand new Lot 9 Safe Spot, which sits between the Autzen Stadium parking lot and Alton Baker Park. He watched as the camp was completed with a common building with solar lights and charging stations, a well-equipped kitchen, and a hand-washing station. Six other people moved in two weeks later, with 11 more Huts to fill after the camp community gets a little more established.
“I was just so amazed at how it comes together and how well it’s really working out for everyone,” he says. “You might get one bad apple in the barrel, but this program is so well organized and run. It’s so simple and it keeps on going smoothly.”
The others in the camp know they can ask Herman questions because of his experience with CSS. “I might know a little bit about it, but it’s not like I’m an expert or anything. Actually, the way we do it—because it might be about something I don’t know—we’ll say, ‘let’s figure it out together. We’ll get it.’”
Herman says the community is developing among the new folks at Lot 9. “They all get along pretty well. We’ve all been hurt. They’re aware of that. Everybody here is in the same boat. They watch out for each other so nobody triggers an explosion. Everybody’s pretty cool.
“This place is the next step up from sleeping on the sidewalk. On the sidewalk you can get kicked around. Here, you’ve got other people in the same situation. Anybody who lives here can lock the gate anytime or unlock it any time they want. If I come home from work at 6 in the evening, then I’m in and I feel safe. We all have the key.”