Sept. 18, 2018
Behind the scenes at CSS is a beehive of activity that keeps a dynamic and challenging organization running as smoothly as can be expected. One of the energetic worker bees in the hive is Pujita Mayeda, whose official title is donor relations specialist.
Pujita manages and reaches out in many ways for CSS. If you see the white CSS van heading to the coast one day with a dozen CSS campers on board for an outing, that would likely be Pujita at the wheel. If you’re reading this newsletter online, Pujita is the IT support person who keeps the computers and programs happy. If you’ve attended a tour of a CSS camp, it’s likely that Pujita showed you around.
Throughout all these activities Pujita brings a bright smile and positive energy to the people she serves.
“Pujita is smart, responsible, hardworking, and committed,” says Kristin Fay de Buhr, co-founder of CSS. “She is also thoughtful and caring and is a very versatile member of our team. She knows how to make everyone feel included, valued, and appreciated, which is critical with an organization like ours that is built on volunteers and donors.”